Irish Anglican Bishop's Wife's Conversion came after a lot of soul-searching

There have been other conversions over the decades, but there is no record in recent times of a Church of Ireland bishop’s wife taking this step.

Her husband, and Bishop Fleming, were understandably supportive. They said in a joint statement that Mrs Henderson’s decision was a matter of conscience and added: “We trust that people of goodwill will share in this. We commend her for her honesty and courage.”

Some people may be critical of such a move, but the vast majority will be supportive of Mrs Henderson, and not least those in her husband’s Diocese.

The manner in which this has been handled says much about the good relations between the Church of Ireland and Catholics in the Republic.

Most people would have been equally understanding if this had involved a Northern Ireland bishop and his wife, though the cultural differences between north and south are such that others on this side of the border might have found the move more difficult to understand.

In the wider Anglican Church, however, there is a broader view. A significant section of the Church of England would still favour initiatives towards greater communion with Rome.

The Vatican, in turn, has accepted a number of married Protestant clerics who have been become disillusioned with aspects of Anglicanism, though Pope Benedict XVI has made it clear that there will be no slackening of the insistence on celibacy for Catholic clergy.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Religion News & Commentary, Anglican Provinces, Church of Ireland, Other Churches, Roman Catholic

7 comments on “Irish Anglican Bishop's Wife's Conversion came after a lot of soul-searching

  1. the roman says:

    What a strong marriage.

  2. Ed the Roman says:

    I would say that Bishop Henderson was MORE than understandably supportive. I am in awe.

  3. Nyssa says:

    The headline cracks me up. What did one expect? But just for fun, anyone want to add a new headline? Here are my three:

    “Bishop’s wife converts while on sugar high.”
    “Bishop’s wife kidnapped and forced to convert.”
    “Bishop finds creative way to have some ‘me’ time on Sunday mornings.”

  4. Chris Molter says:

    “Albino Opus Dei monks force Anglican Bishop’s wife to convert under threat of auto da fe”?

  5. libraryjim says:

    Auto da fe, auto da fe, what in the world is the auto da fe?

    It what you auto not do but you do any fe!

  6. the roman says:

    Sounds like some nervous whistling in the dark going on around here. Hmmmmm…

  7. libraryjim says:

    Can’t find an emoticon for whistling. Sorry! :-0